2021 PCBF Board of Directors Nomination Form
The Pulaski County Bar Foundation is now accepting nominations for three open board positions. The term for the positions will begin on January 1, 2022 and run through December 31, 2025. All subsequent terms will run for four calendar years.
Nominations must be submitted by December 23, 2021.
In order to nominate an individual for an open board position, you must be a current member of the Pulaski County Bar Foundation. Membership in the Pulaski County Bar Foundation is defined as an attorney licensed in the State of Arkansas who has made a contribution of at least $25 during the 2020 or 2021 bar year. PCBF’s founding members and Ike Scott Fellows are permanent members. You may make a contribution and mail it to P.O. Box 22, Little Rock, AR 72203, or donate online at: https://www.pulaskibarfoundation.com/make-a-donation.